Motivation is overrated, Discipline is underrated

I read Atomic Habits sometime last year and developed the habit of running first thing in the morning with all the motivation I was driving from the book. I ran for a week and lapsed. After that, it has been an on-and-off habit of running.

But over the last few weeks, I have realized that no book, blog, course, or extrinsic motivation can push you to do something that you don’t want to do in the first place. Yes, you can keep the activity going for a week or a month, but unless the motivation discipline is intrinsic, you are bound to lapse.

Just decide that you are the hero of your movie and act accordingly. Write your goals and take responsibility for achieving them.

Focus on building the self-disciple muscle instead of the motivation muscle and you won’t need any book to build the habits.

As the greatest of all time once said –

Mike Tyson Quote: “Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but nonetheless  doing it like you love it.”