Difference between Backup and Archive

Backup and Archive are prominently used interchangeably and are considered the same, but that’s far from the case. The terms are entirely different and are best illustrated by the following definitions: A data backup is a copy of a data set currently in use that is made for the purpose of recovering from the loss…

A Beginner’s Guide to ISO ISMS Standards

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee….

A Beginner’s Guide to Information Security Frameworks

Checklists turn out…to be among the basic tools of the quality and productivity revolution in aviation, engineering, construction – in virtually every field combining high risk and complexity. Checklists seem lowly and simplistic, but they help fill in for the gaps in our brains and between our brains. – Atul Gawande Just as Checklists solve…

Lessons learnt from combining COBIT 5 & ITIL

In Summer’18, I worked at PayPal and had the first-hand experience of working with COBIT 51 . Though it’s been ~7 years that I have been working in the GRC space and worked on numerous projects that involved COBIT 5 guidance and principles, never once I had the opportunity to initiate a project, understand what…

14 Must-know Tips and Formulas from ‘Excel 2016: Advanced Formulas and Functions’ [Part 2]

This is the second part of the advanced Excel series. The first part of the series can be accessed by clicking here. Array Formulas and Functions To convert the normal formulas to Array formulas, press ‘Ctrl+Shift+Enter. The formulas will be surrounded by Parantheses {}, which signifies that the it has been converted to an array…

33 Must-know Tips and Formulas from ‘Excel 2016: Advanced Formulas and Functions’ [Part 1]

I recently completed this training on Lynda.com, and found the following tips and formulas to be useful. I have summed up ~4 hours of learning in these 33 bullets. Formula and Function Tips and Shortcuts Displaying and highlighting formulas Use ‘Ctrl+~’ to show all the formulas in the excel Another method is to use ‘Show…

Why do we need Governance Frameworks, SOC 2 Audits, & Compliance?

Yesterday I met my previous roommate who’s a Computer Science nerd and recently completed his internship at one of the best tech companies in the Valley. We met after a long time and soon after discussing how we’ve been, he asked about my work. I told him – “I am currently working on the Governance…

Shon Harris’s Free Audio Course for CISSP

Lately, I am receiving a lot of messages (and seeing a lot of posts) asking for the ‘best’ tool to prepare for CISSP.  I wish I had a secret sauce; unfortunately, I don’t have any (and if someone says, they have, they are lying). But, you can definitely replace your podcasts/songs with the Shon Harris’s…

How I passed CISSP in the first attempt? Preparation Strategy, Resources, & Mistakes to avoid.

I passed the (ISC)2 CISSP on Dec 04, 2018 and since then have received multiple messages asking about the preparation strategy and resources. Following are the 12 points I have learned in the entire preparation and hopefully, it will help you in outlining your strategy as well. First things first, book a date for the exam…

All resources and tips you need to pass the CISM exam in the first attempt

I passed the ISACA’s CISM exam on May 10, 2018, and since then have received a number of messages asking about the preparation strategy and schedule, especially from the fellow students. Before I begin, please be informed that my preparation strategy could be very different from that of yours since I was juggling with semester…