While the Spotify Wrap for 2024 was underwhelming, the Strava Year in Sport was a pleasant surprise. A few stats: These stats are not completely accurate as they were released mid-Dec. Hoping to continue this with better stats in ’25.
Category: General
All the general articles will go here.
Tuesday Quote
The best thing you can do as a professional is to have one identity; the worst thing you can do as an individual is to have one identity.
Note to self
I did not speak a full sentence in English until I was 20, and I am pretty sure the recruiter at HSBC only hired me because I told him my uncle worked there. I did not write my first blog post until Dec 2018 in an effort to make sense of all the InfoSec jargons…
Tips on BSidesSF CFP Submission
BSides SF is one of the largest security conferences in the Bay Area and my all-time favorite. Having presented twice at BSides SF, sharing some best practices on writing the submission and succeeding in the highly competitive CFP selection process. Lastly, get ahead of your reservations in submitting the CFP. A common reservation I see…
An ode to ‘Rani’ – Apr 14, 2013 – always in our hearts
My then-girlfriend (now wife, Dimple) always had dogs. At one point, she used to have 5 dogs at once – all living with her family in a small home in Ratlam. I was the exact opposite. The only interaction I had with dogs until I met her was running away from them whenever they gave…
Year in review – 2023
I remember watching a Ted talk long back. I don’t remember much of it, but do remember a sentence from the talk – “The days you remember are the days you live”. Following are the few days that I’ll remember and cherish from 2023. 👉 Got promoted to Security & Compliance Director, Mar ’23 👉…
Book Notes – Built to Last, Jim Collins
After Good to Great, I had high expectations from this book, but it fell short. The research is good, but for some reason seemed outdated e.g. comparing the greatest companies of our generation and did not have a reference to Google / Apple / Microsoft which seemed odd – no fault of the book though…
HIPAA Simplified {Part 3 – HITECH Act, HIPAA Regulatory, Omnibus, Privacy, & Security Rule}
The HITECH Act HITECH is an acronym for Health Information Technology for Economic & Clinical Health. How is HITECH Act related to HIPAA? The HITECH Act is a part of an economic stimulus package introduced in 2009 during the Obama administration, the American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) Act of 2009. The purpose of the HITECH…
All AWS Concepts and Services for AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam (Simplified)
Cloud Computing – storing your data at someone else’s computer / using someone else’s CPU to perform processing / both Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) – Hardware, bare-metal Platform as a Service (PaaS) – Infrastructure + Operating System Software as a Service (SaaS) – Infrastructure + Operating System + Software Scalability – Easily grow based on demand Elasticity – Easily shrink…
How I passed CGEIT in the first attempt and you can too!
ISACA’s CGEIT certification is aimed at IT professionals responsible for directing, managing, and supporting the governance of IT. I passed the ISACA’s CGEIT exam on Apr 26, 2020. Here’s a brief of my preparation strategy and the resources I used. Strategy: Like previous ISACA and (ISC)2 certifications, I started with the CGEIT Review Manual from ISACA…