Try Hack Me – Advent of Cyber 3 – Day 14 – CI/CD

What is CI/CD?

CI: Continuous Integration is the process in which software source code is kept in a central repository (such as GitHub). All changes are stored in this central repository to avoid ending up with different versions of the same code.

CD: Continuous Delivery is the following (sometimes integral) step of the continuous integration model where code is automatically deployed to the test, pre-production, or production environments. CD is sometimes used as an acronym for “Continuous Deployment”.

CI/CD should be considered as a set of practices that are put in place to enable development teams to make changes, test their code, and deploy the application more reliably. We should think of CI/CD as a continuous process or loop that includes steps of the software development process.

Risks Associated with CI/CD

The CI/CD integration approach seems to be an effective way to mitigate risks that may result from manually aggregating changes made to the code, manually testing them, and manually deploying the updated version of the application. However, some risks associated with the CI/CD process should be taken into consideration when dealing with such an integration. As a penetration tester, one of our goals would be to uncover weaknesses in the automation process. These can vary from file permissions to configuration errors made when installing any CI/CD automation software. DevOps teams typically use software such as Jenkins, GitLab, Bamboo, AWS CodePipeline, etc., to automate CI/CD steps summarized above.

Major risks related to a CI/CD integration are mentioned below:

  • Access security: The increasing number of integration points can make access management difficult. Any component integrated with the process may need partial or full access to another component. In this case, allowing too much access can also open a path for malicious activity.
  • Permissions: Components are connected with each other and perform their tasks with user accounts. Similar to access security, user permissions should be checked.
  • Keys and secrets: Many integrations are done using keys (API keys, ID keys, etc.) or secrets. These should be secured. Otherwise, anyone could potentially access resources using this authentication method.
  • User security: User accounts are another successful attack vector often used by cybercriminals. Any user who has access to the source code repository could include a malicious component in the codebase and could be included in the deployed application.
  • Default configuration: Some platforms are known to have default credentials and vulnerabilities. If the default credentials are not changed, and in use within the CI/CD process, this could result in the complete compromise of the infrastructure.

I referred to the video for this exercise, but good exercise nonetheless.