Deal breakers on hiring

I recently watched this talk by Shreyas Doshi on Product Management. I have no plans to move to PM but the following Shreyas holds on Twitter and the threads of wisdom on his timeline made me follow him and watch the video. The entire video was pretty relevant to any career path, be it PM,…

Nims Purja

I was awestruck when I saw Free Solo for the first time and saw Alex Hannold taking over the gigantic El Capitan in less than 4 hours. When I was in Yosemite in the Spring of Feb’20, I could not comprehend the sheer audacity of Alex to take on something that is nearly impossible. I…

Quotes {Part 1}

Some of my favorite quotes that I have accumulated over the years and imbibe in my life as much as possible (still learning and a long way to go): The pain of achievement fades away, achievement never does. – Jay Bazzinotti If one keeps one leg in the past and the other in the future,…

Applying Lindy Effect on reading

Nowadays, Lindy Effect has been all over social media and Twitter. I first came across this term while reading Antifragile that essentially means the more exposure you received in the past, the more exposure you’ll receive in the future. Of couse, this idea is relevant to things that are non-perishable such as ideas, technologies, music,…

The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost [Translated in Hindi]

I have always loved Robert Frost’s poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ and think about it every time I ponder upon the past choices I have made. How it would have worked out if Wife had never gone to the UK? What I might be doing if I never left India to pursue Masters? What our…

Book Notes – The Ride of a Lifetime, Robert Iger

Robert Iger, the 15-year veteran CEO of Disney wrote this book as leadership lessons from his golden days at ABC to one of the most tumultuous times at Disney. The entire book is a summary of Bob’s 45-year career at ABC, Capital Cities, and Dinsey. I had been to Disney once and couldn’t help but…

Differential Privacy

These days companies are using more and more customer data to improve their products and services. On October 2, 2006, Netflix announced the $1 Million Prize for improving their movie recommendation algorithm. Netflix released an anonymous dataset containing movie ratings by 500,000 subscribers containing 100M ratings for 17,000 movies. Netflix asserted that all personally identifiable…

Citizenship in a Republic

Everyone has heard or read Theodore Roosevelt’s ‘Man in the Arena’ speech, but few know that it’s not the entire speech. The often-quoted paragraph is a section of the complete speech called ‘Citizenship in a Republic‘ delivered on Apr 23, 1910, in Paris, France. ‘The Man in the Arena’: It is not the critic who…

The Rescue

Friday is the movie/documentary night for 2022. Wife and I watched ‘The Rescue‘ today. It is one of the most riveting documentaries I watched since Icarus. The movie had enthralling real footage from the rescue and some reenactments to fill the narrative gaps, but you won’t even recognize it until you watch the credits. The…

Motivation is overrated, Discipline is underrated

I read Atomic Habits sometime last year and developed the habit of running first thing in the morning with all the motivation I was driving from the book. I ran for a week and lapsed. After that, it has been an on-and-off habit of running. But over the last few weeks, I have realized that…